Alumni registrations

Welcome to the Allen & Overy Alumni Network.

Expand your own professional network through our global community of more than 18,000 A&O and alumni members, join the A&O Mentoring Programme, and gain access to lots of programme benefits.

Your personal data will be used to send you monthly newsletters containing A&O and alumni news, details of upcoming events and programme activities, and a copy of the Alumni Yearbook. For more information on how we use your personal information and your rights in that regard, please see our Privacy Policy.

You can opt out of receiving emails from the Alumni Network at any time, but continue to remain a member of the Alumni Network so that you can access the website. Simply click on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any e-mail communication from us.  You can also manage your profile settings and help us keep your personal information accurate and up to date online at If you wish to cease to participate in the Alumni Network in its entirety, e-mail us at

If you have any questions, contact